Home / Gucci Bag / Replica Gucci Horsebit Chain Small Shoulder Bag 764339

Replica Gucci Horsebit Chain Small Shoulder Bag 764339

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Gucci successfully recalls its past by connecting the archives to the present day. Adorned with a maxi Horsebit, first made popular during the early ‘2000s, this silhouette continues to be one of the most recognisable handbags of the House. Revisited for the Fall Winter 2023 collection, it is presented in various colours and textures that follow a contemporary approach.

- 27 x 11.5 x 5 cm

- Grey quilted leather

- Palladium-toned hardware

- Part of the Gucci Tag selection, this product is embedded with NFC technology—an innovative way to authenticate and experience your item digitally.

- Maxi Horsebit

- Inside: 1 card slot and pocket

- Detachable leather strap with 23cm drop

- Detachable chain shoulder strap with 19cm drop

- Magnetic snap closure

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